Eggnog spiked with alcohol is the most common and popular type of recipe searched for on the internet. This particular recipe is perhaps...
Eggnog spiked with alcohol is the most common and popular type of recipe searched for on the internet. This particular recipe is perhaps the most popular out of those. Shared by Australian TV presenter Auki Henry for free distribution a few years ago this "Ultimate alcoholic eggnog" is certainly a potent and luxurious tasting festive treat and one we thought worthy of inclusion on our site.
- 8 large fresh eggs
- 1 cup white sugar
- 1 cup white rum
- 3 cups full cream milk
- 3 cups whisky
- 2 tablespoons brandy
- 2 tablespoons sherry
- 2 cups heavy cream
- Fresh ground nutmeg to taste
- Separate yolks from the egg whites, place them into separate bowls.
- Beat the yolks with 1/2 of your sugar until the consistency is creamy then set aside.
- Heat the milk till it is just bubbling slowly (don't boil it) then remove from heat quickly, immediately add the creamy yolk/sugar mix and whisk vigorously for a couple of minutes to ensure it does not form lumps (this method will cook the yolks slightly and kill bacteria).
- Set aside to cool completely..
- Beat the whites until they are fluffy and stiff and, then add the rest of the sugar. Mix well.
- Once the yolk mixture is cool pour it into the beaten egg whites and mix to combine thoroughly.
- Stir in white rum slowly
- Stir in whiskey slowly
- Stir in brandy and sherry slowly
- Stir in cream slowly
- Serve chilled with sprinkle nutmeg on the top.
We also like to add a shot of Drambuie to the mix to give it that extra exotic silkiness.